We promote the reduction of methane emissions

We seek to reduce organic waste disposed in landfills by optimising waste management processes at the local level.


Successful projects

Educational material

Recycle Organics Factsheet

Five-page document containing essential information on the Recycle Organics program.

Recycle Organics Infographic

Educational poster illustrating the Recycle Organics program.

Composting and vermicomposting posters

Educational posters explaining what composting and vermicomposting are, what are the steps of their processes are, and how their by-products can be used as fertilizer.

Organic waste management signs

Sign designs that can be used by municipalities or other institucions to indicate composting, vermicomposting and leaf and twig storage areas.

Guía de Valorización de Residuos Orgánicos en Comunidades Educativas

El cambio climático es una realidad que no sólo afecta profundamente al medio ambiente, sino también a nuestra calidad de vida. Para disminuir los efectos de esta crisis, nace la invitación a pasar de un modelo de economía lineal a uno circular, basado en la en la comprensión de que los recursos son finitos y que la relación con el medio ambiente es vital para el desarrollo sostenible de la humanidad.

Manual para Municipios sobre compostaje y vermicompostaje a nivel domiciliario

Este manual tiene como objetivo difundir información y bue- nas prácticas para la implementación de programas de re- ciclaje de residuos orgánicos a nivel domiciliario entre los municipios.

Manual para Municipios sobre compostaje y vermicompostaje a nivel domiciliario

Este manual recopila un esfuerzo en conjunto de los miembros, tanto de Chile como de Canadá, que conforman el Programa Reciclo Orgánicos, con el propósito de diseñar un documento técnico, pero de fácil lectura, que pueda ser utilizado por aquellas personas interesadas en incursionar en el compostaje a mediana y gran escala en Chile.

Anexo Manual de compostaje municipal

La utilización de ordenanzas municipales para promover
una gestión de residuos eficiente es una práctica que ha sido exitosa en el mundo.

Infographic about how to vermicompost at home

Infographic explaining the different steps of how to vermicompost at home. It can be used by municipalities or other institucions as educational material for home composting programs.

Infographic about how to compost at home

Infographic explaining the different steps of how to compost at home. It can be used by municipalities or other institucionsas educational material for home composting programs.

Resumen Guía de compostaje domiciliario

Esta Guía fue elaborada en el marco del Programa Reciclo Orgánicos, iniciativa financiada por el Gobierno de Canadá a través del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático, e implementada en colaboración con el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente de Chile.

Conceptos básicos y tips para reciclar orgánico

Cada vez que cocinamos o comemos, no sólo nos alimentamos, sino que también generamos residuos que pueden producir un impacto en el medioambiente, si no nos preocupamos de ellos.
¿Sabías que los restos de comida o residuos orgánicos que generamos a diario en nuestros hogares pueden contribuir al Cambio Climático?

Domiciliary Composting Guide

Organic waste corresponds to rests of animal or vegetable source that, when decomposed into a rubbish bin or landfill, emit Greenhouse Gases (GHG) that contribute to Climate Change.

Recycle Organics in figures

Infographic with a summary of the results of the Recycle Organics program implemented in Chile. It is summarized in 22 projects supported technically and financially that generate a mitigation of 9.5 million tons of CO2 by 2040.

Memoria Programa Reciclo Orgánicos

No cabe duda que este proyecto es un símbolo de la fecunda relación entre Canadá y Chile, que mantienen más de ocho dé- cadas de relaciones diplomáticas y que en 2022 celebrarán los 25 años de la firma de su Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) y Acuerdo de Cooperación Ambiental Chile – Canadá, en el cual se fundamentó Reciclo Orgánicos.

Aumentan iniciativas ciudadanas que impulsan el reciclaje de residuos orgánica

58% de la basura generada en los hogares chilenos corresponde a residuos orgánicos que al
descomponerse en rellenos sanitarios emite gas metano cuyo potencial de calentamiento global
es 28 veces más alto que el Dióxido de Carbono (CO) equivalente al 75% de las emisiones de
Gases de Efecto Invernadero del sector.

Compost and soil

Organic waste treatment mitigates methane emissions and additionally produces compost that reduces soil erosion.

Program Recycle Organics and GHG reduction

Reduction of emissions related to Recycle Organics Chile projects compared to emissions from the use of vehicles using fossil fuels.


Infographic that explains what biodigestion is, the uses that can be given to biogas and describes the projects of this type supported by Recycle Organics Chile.

The impact of recycling organic waste

Infographic explaining the impact of recycling organics on methane emissions. It uses as an example organic treatment projects carried out in Chile.
See all

Case studies

Incentives for organic waste source separation

Report focusing on the best practices for engaging organic waste generators and raising awareness about organics waste management programs.

Organic Waste Management Initiatives

Report on successful case studies and recommendations for implementing organics waste management initiatives. It provides an overview of large-scale composting, home composting, and anaerobic digestion, outlining their applications, operational parameters, and referential investment and operational costs to offer a broad understanding of these initiatives.

CoP MetLAC Kick-off Workshop Report

Central moments and messages from the Community of Practice on Methane Emission Reduction from Organic Sources in Latin America and the Caribbean (CoP MetLAC) kick-off workshop.

Public Policy Recommendations | 2023 Report

Public policy recommendations to overcome barriers for methane mitigation in the solid waste sector in six Latin American countries.

Recycle Organics Workshop Report

Meeting summary, overview, objectives and key takeaways.

Climate finance and blended finance – Key terms

Aims at reducing emissions and enhancing sinks of greenhouse gases, as well as reducing vulnerability of, maintaining and increasing the resilience of human and ecological systems to negative climate change impacts.

Blended Finance Blended Finance Mechanisms

The waste sector, together with energy and agriculture, is the biggest contributor to methane emissions across the globe, accounting for 18%. For Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), organic waste makes up approximately half of the waste generated in the entire region, indicating the potential and need for methane mitigation activities and projects to develop further beyond the inception phase.

Climate finance ecosystem and financing opportunities for methane emissions reduction projects in LAC

How to close existing gaps and barriers? Enabling policy tools and financial instruments and mechanisms for municipalities

Sistemas PAYT: Pago por generación de residuos: creando un incentivo para valorizar residuos orgánicos

En reconocimiento al potencial para mejorar la gestión de residuos en Bélgica del sistema de pago por generación de residuos, el Gobierno de la región de Flandes se hizo responsable de su implementación en toda la región.

Pay-As-You-Throw Systems: Creating an incentive to recycle organic waste

In recognition of the PAYT system’s potential to improve Belgium’s waste management, the Flemish government became responsible for its implementation across the region.

Estrategia nacional de residuos orgánicos

El objetivo de la ENRO es dar orientación estratégica a todos los actores, tanto públicos como privados, respecto del camino a seguir para reducir la generación de residuos orgánicos y aumentar sustancialmente su aprovechamiento.

National organic waste strategy

The objective of the ENRO is to provide strategic guidance to all stakeholders, both public and private, regarding the path to follow to reduce the generation of organic waste and substantially increase its use.

Uso de impuestos y prohibiciones para desviar residuos orgánicos de sitios de disposición final

El impuesto sobre los rellenos sanitarios desarrollado por Países Bajos tenía varios objetivos importantes. Por una parte, aumentar el precio de la disposición final incentivó el reciclaje y el compostaje en los hogares y redujo la cantidad de residuos dispuestos en rellenos sanitarios. Además, su objetivo era proteger el medio ambiente reduciendo el tamaño, la cantidad y el impacto de los sitios de disposición final y disminuyendo las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero asociadas.

Use of taxes and bans to divert organic waste from landfills

The landfill tax developed by the Netherlands aimed at several key objectives. On the one hand, by increasing the price of final disposal, it promoted recycling and composting in households and reduced the amount of waste going to landfill. On the other, it aimed at protecting the environment by reducing the size, quantity, and impact of final disposal sites and decreasing their associated greenhouse gas emissions.

Reforma Tarifaria del Sector Residuos en Colombia

Además de los objetivos iniciales de la Ley de 1994 mencionados previamente, las instituciones sectoriales de gobierno (incluyendo la CRA, la SSPD, el Ministerio de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio -MVCT-, el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible -MADS- y el Departamento de Planeación Nacional -DNP-) han trabajado durante las últimas décadas para mejorar el sistema de gestión de residuos sólidos.

Colombia Waste Tariff Reform

Besides the initial objectives previously mentioned in the 1994 Law, the waste sector government institutions (including CRA, SSPD, the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory (or MVCT, for its Spanish acronym), the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (or MADS, for its Spanish acronym) and the Department of National Planning) have worked over the past few decades to enhance the SWM systems.

Programa Reciclo Orgánicos en Chile

El Programa Reciclo Orgánicos tuvo como objetivo acelerar la implementación de varios tipos de proyectos en Chile al proporcionar apoyo técnico y financiero a municipios y empresas privadas. Para lograr este objetivo, uno de los principales pilares de Reciclo Orgánicos fue involucrar a la comunidad.

Reciclo Organicos Program in Chile

The Organic Recycling Program aimed to accelerate the implementation of various types of projects in Chile by providing technical and financial support to municipalities and private companies. To achieve this goal, one of the main pillars of Organic Recycling was community engagement.

Financial sustainability of municipal solid waste management (MSW)

Waste management in Latin America is key to meeting the SDGs. In order to implement waste treatment projects, it is necessary to use effective financing strategies that reduce public investment by the State.

Reciclo Orgánicos GMH

Methane mitigation provides opportunities for quick wins for safer climate, cleaner air, better agricultural productivity. Most measures have create savings, or have no costs.

ENC – Waste to Energy

Seminario “Avances y futuros desafíos para la reducción de emisiones en el sector de residuos orgánicos de Chile” 23 de Marzo 2022

Experiencia BioE

Bio-E es una empresa chilena dedicada al desarrollo y operación de proyectos de biogás, con la visión de masificar la tecnología de digestión anaerobia en Chile como una solución sustentable para los residuos orgánicos sobre la base de economía circular.

Experiencia municipalidad de Concepción

Se ofrecieron los Talleres de Compostaje y Vermicompostajes a la comunidad, a través de las redes sociales Municipales (página Municipal , Facebook, Instagram, medios televisivos ( canal Local) y avisos radiales.

Experiencia municipalidad de La Pintana

Se ofrecieron los Talleres de Compostaje y Vermicompostajes a la comunidad, a través de las redes sociales Municipales (página Municipal , Facebook, Instagram, medios televisivos ( canal Local) y avisos radiales.

Oportunidades con Mecanismos del Mercado del Carbono para ayudar en la implementación e proyectos de manejo de residuos

Financial investments are needed to help communities and jurisdictions around the world to better address climate change and adapt to its harmful consequences in a way that is sustainable and transformational.

ISWA – Compost y suelo

Over the last 40 years about 30% of the world’s cropland has become unproductive, with an estimated 10 million hectares/year of agricultural land being lost through soil erosion.

Sistemas de gestión de residuos orgánicos a nivel local

En 20 años, de 1998 a 2018: 274 nuevas plantas de compostaje y 52 de digestión anaerobia + compostaje que generan Compost para el úso en agricultura y como abono.

National Organic Waste Strategy, Circular Economy Roadmap and its contribution to SDGs

This strategy proposes as a long-term goal to move from 1% to 66% recovery of organic waste generated at the municipal level by 2040 in Chile. The presentation covers how the implementation of this strategy contributes to the fulfillment of the SDGs.

Sostenibilidad financiera de la gestión de residuos sólidos municipales (RSM)

La gestión de residuos en Latinoamérica es clave para el cumplimiento de las ODS. Para implementar proyectos de tratamiento de residuos es necesario utilizar estrategias efectivas de financiamiento que disminuyan la inversión pública del Estado.
See all

Did you know?

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18% of methane emissions come from the waste sector, making this sector the third highest contributor to emissions worldwide.

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Methane (CH4), the main component of natural gas, is responsible for more than 25% of the warming we are currently experiencing**.

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If organic waste management is done properly, through composting or biodigestion, it is possible to reduce emissions from the waste sector by about 70%.


Even though it is responsible for half of today’s net global warming, methane receives only 2% of global climate finance.

Source: Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC)

Glossary Recycle Organics

Methane (CH4), the main component of natural gas, is responsible for more than 25% of the warming we are currently experiencing. It is a potent greenhouse gas, with a global warming potential more than 80 times greater than that of carbon dioxide (CO2) during the 20 years after its release into the atmosphere. It is responsible for about half of the increase in the formation of tropospheric ozone, a dangerous air pollutant. (United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP).
Methane emissions have contributed to roughly 30% of current warming, causing harm to communities around the globe. Reducing methane by 45% is crucial to reducing warming by 0.3 degrees Celsius by 2040 and putting us on a path to a healthy future.

The objectives of the program are to accelerate the implementation of methane mitigation projects in the waste sector and to create enabling conditions for a sustainable expansion of organic waste management technologies. These technologies include composting plants, home composting, anaerobic digestion and landfill gas capture.

Methane can have a natural or anthropogenic origin. In nature it is produced through biological and geological processes, whereas methane emissions of anthropogenic origin occur in:

  • The production and distribution of fossil fuels (natural gas or oil).
  • Agriculture, methane is produced in the stomach of ruminant animals during the digestion process. In addition, manure management and fertilizer use can also generate methane emissions.
  • Waste management, methane is produced during the decomposition of organic matter in landfills and in the anaerobic digestion of organic waste in treatment plants.
GHGs are gases that accumulate in the earth’s atmosphere, capable of absorbing infrared radiation from the sun, increasing and retaining heat. The excessive emission of GHGs is the main factor that triggers the impacts we are suffering from climate change.
According to the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change, climate change will have widespread effects on human life, ecosystems and biodiversity. Globally, it has already involved heat waves, floods, droughts, intense tropical cyclones and rising sea levels, and it is now possible to see impacts in our country such as increased droughts and extreme precipitation events, melting glaciers, storm surges and rising sea levels, among others.
  1. Implement policies and measures for sustainability: Develop and implement policies and measures that promote sustainability and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the operation of the organization, for example in the area of energy, waste, and agriculture.
  2. Promote education and awareness: Education and awareness to the population and other relevant stakeholders on the importance of climate change mitigation and the adoption of sustainable practices.
  3. Set targets and monitor progress: Set emission reduction targets and monitor progress towards achieving them.
  1. Reduce energy consumption: Save energy in the home, for example, by turning off lights and unplugging appliances when not in use, and choosing energy-efficient appliances.
  2. Promote sustainable mobility: Use public transport, bicycles or walking instead of private vehicles, and choose vehicles with low greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Reduce consumption of meat and animal products:
  4. Reduce, reuse and recycle: Reduce the amount of waste generated, reuse objects and materials, and recycle materials that can be recycled.
  5. Support the adoption of public policies: Participate in debates and support public policies that promote sustainability and climate change mitigation.