With support from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), CCAP and ImplementaSur, Recycle Organics hosted a pair of webinars in March 2024, showcasing innovative and successful waste management strategies used in both the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, as well as the Pacific. Watch each webinar below to learn more about the importance of addressing the organic fraction of waste and how that contributes to the mitigation of harmful methane emissions. The case studies presented in the webinars cover a wide range of related topics, such as waste management incentives, technologies, proper organic waste treatment techniques, waste as a “social currency” and much more!
“Unveiling Success in Organic Waste Management”
This webinar showcases successful case studies and examples of organic waste management initiatives in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), while sharing relevant information on technologies for organic waste treatment. The goal is to provide recommendations, highlight benefits and discuss potential remaining barriers on this topic.
Shalen Prem Singh, Acting Manager of Health Services at Lautoka City Council in Fiji, discusses initiatives within their city for both composting and home composting and shares details of their operations, business model and how they are treating waste, as well as the challenges they had to overcome.
Aporosa Silatolu, Director at the Centre for Appropriate Technology & Development in Fiji, dives deep into the anaerobic digestion project at the Centre, providing details on its operations, waste streams and the economic and social benefits the system has brought to the Centre.
“How to Incentivize Separation at the Source: Successful Strategies for Managing Organic Waste”
This webinar features speakers from Brazil and Grenada to discuss behavioral changes when it comes to managing organic waste, effective outreach initiatives and overcoming challenges. The webinar features Myrna Julien (Communications Manager, Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority) & Tiago Gorski Lacerda (Mayor, City of Santiago, Rio Grande do Sul).
The first case study presented covers the “Pila Verde” social currency used in Brazilian markets, showing an innovative initiative with economic incentives that targets several municipal actors, such as waste generators and farmers. It creates a local currency around organic waste.
The next case study features the Environmentally Friendly Schools Initiative (EFSI) in Grenada, which promotes organic waste management, not only in schools but also in surrounding communities as well. The EFSI has maintained regular annual participation across school districts that want to sustain their “golden award status” and promote themselves as local leaders within their communities.